Our websites

In this section:

Resources Newsletters  Coupons and promotions
Baker's Flour - find your sales rep, price trends and more Betty Crocker™ - recipes, tips and more Betty Crocker™ - coupons, contests, promotions
Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition - for health professionals Pillsbury™ - swap stories, enter contests
Box Tops™ for Education - make a difference for your school
Bell Institute - Canada - for health professionals
A Taste of General Mills - company news and stories Cheer on Reading - when families read together
Box Tops™ for Education - cash for schools

Convenience solutions - master your convenience store business

General Mills Cereals - Facebook page

Medallion Labs - analytical food testing
Pillsbury™ Bakery - the retail baker's site
General Mills product locator - General Mills products near you
Tablespoon.com - ideas that feed you
301 Inc. - The Emerging Brand Elevator
Life Made Delicious - Easy Recipes, Dinner Ideas & Dessert Recipes