Nutrition Philosophy
We share your interest in nutrition.

At General Mills, we provide a diverse portfolio of products, including many nutrient-dense foods, which can help consumers meet dietary recommendations and help build healthy eating patterns.
The people of General Mills have stories as plentiful as our passion is deep. We love food, and it shows.
We believe consumption of nutrient-dense foods, like fortified cereals, low-fat and nonfat yogurts and whole grain granola bars, plays an important role in healthy diets. They are important contributors to consumption of key food groups, including whole grains and dairy, and beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals, protein and/or fiber, while balancing nutrients to limit, such as sodium, sugar and saturated fat. Focusing on nutrient density helps tell the whole story about the nutritional value of a food – beyond focusing on single nutrients – to help support consumers in adopting healthy dietary patterns.
Cheerios™, Fiber One™ and Kix™ are examples of cereals that provide beneficial nutrients, such as key vitamins and minerals, whole grain and fiber. Low-fat and nonfat yogurts, like Yoplait™ Original Style, Yoplait™ Light and Go-GURT, are important sources of essential nutrients, such as protein, calcium, and often vitamins A and D. Granola bars like Nature Valley™ Original and Fiber One™ Chewy Bars Oats and Chocolate deliver at least 8 grams of whole grain per serving.
Health Reporting
Over the years, we have tracked our journey to improve the nutrition of our products through our U.S. Health Metric* reporting system. This system measured our progress in increasing positive nutrients, decreasing nutrients to limit, qualifying for a nutrient or health benefit claim, or meeting specific internal nutrition requirements. We are proud to report that from fiscal 2005-2018, 81% of U.S Retail sales volume met Health Metric criteria.
As we continue to evolve, innovate, and renovate, we’ve transitioned how we report our renovated portfolio of nutrient-dense, convenient food options. In Fiscal 2019 we updated health reporting system to leverage established, transparent nutrition criteria grounded in regulations and dietary guidance and measure across our global portfolio.
The philosophy for this new phase of our nutrition journey – incorporates our core beliefs about nutrient density and the nourishing power of food groups – and informs our internal criteria for “Nutrition-Forward Foods.” Our expansive and diverse portfolio reflects these beliefs, as we offer a delicious variety of nutrient-dense products from every food group to help support consumers in building healthy eating patterns.
We are proud to report that in fiscal 2020, 43% of General Mills global volume met the company’s internal criteria as “Nutrition-Forward Foods.” Examples of foods that meet the criteria for “Nutrition-Forward” include Big G cereals, select Yoplait™ yogurts, Nature Valley™ Granola Bars, Progresso™ Soup, and a variety of Cascadian Farm™ frozen fruits and vegetables.

In addition to our Nutrition-Forward Foods, we offer a diverse portfolio of foods that help to create remarkable experiences for numerous occasions. These foods can be part of a well-balanced diet and a healthy eating pattern. For example, an Old El Paso™ Taco Dinner Kit acts as a convenient carrier for lean meat, low-fat dairy and vegetables and can help bring everyone together for a family meal after a busy day. Häagen-Dazs™ ice cream and Betty Crocker™ cakes help consumers celebrate a birthday or special occasion, while our Häagen-Dazs™ mini stick bars and Betty Crocker™ Mug Treats allow for a portion-controlled, individual treat.